Amazon Prime Day Must Haves For Your Business


Surprise! It's the Day 2 of Amazon Prime Day!

In case you're wondering what exactly Amazon Prime Day is, it's a day and a half of deep deals & exclusive launches on the site for prime members. Think of it like a summer Black Friday, if you will. 

With thousands of deals all over the site, most people prep early to plan ahead for what can be potential savings via Prime Day. Here are some business favorites that you should look out for during the 36 hours shopping bonanza! 

As an entrepreneur -- online or in person -- there's certain tech that'll come in handy for your main business and wherever that leads you. So maybe that means more storage for all your client files, more gadgets to finally launch a podcast, or maybe tools for travel & self-care. 

Aside from exclusive deals, peep that there are also exclusive LAUNCHES on Prime Day, Amazon brand specific discounts, and special promotions on Amazon-exclusive devices & services like Audible. The latter is a great way to get through books while traveling between appointments or winding down from a long week. 

Are you doing any last minute Prime Day shopping? Head over to the Facebook post on our page and let us know what's in your cart or at the very least what you're coveting. 

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